Thursday, June 20, 2013

Keep on, Keepin' on - 5 weeks today

That's my motto each day - keep on keepin' on. Suprisingly it has gotten easier for me over the last several weeks of not running. I know most runners won't believe that but it is true. I believe running is similar to an addictive drug. Studies have proven that running releases endorphins in the brain. This is the something many runners and even non-runners have experienced at some point. For frequent runners they are used to this constant flow of euphoria and a day without it can be hard. This is why athletes, runners in particular, are difficult patients. However, separate someone from their drug for an extended period of time and the craving is diminished.
Fortunately, I have been maintaining some basic fitness at the gym. This includes riding the stationary bikes, occasional elliptical and arc trainer workouts. I still plan to start cycling on the weekends and look forward to some longer endurance rides to increase my stamina.
The last week I have noticed more improvement and reduced swelling. There is still the occasional click or pop on dorsiflexion. The carbon fiber toe plate is still limiting the motion of the joint and allowing it to heal. I continue to ice and manually flex the joint to ensure proper healing. Next recheck will be just after the six week mark since surgery.

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